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Physical Computing

Physical computing is a class structured around the exploration of using code to interact with real world objects. Learning focused on the actual implementation of sensors, lights and motors (etc) using micro-controllers (Arduino) and the correct integration and preparation for usage beyond prototyping. We look at various examples of physical computing in the real world including usage in art, interaction and practical settings (home automation etc). The products and hardware we use suit a prototypical, fast build approach but the same principles apply for final products.

This class was a first of its kind at UT. In the final project of the class each year, students work in partnership with a fabrication class to turn their ideas and designs into real physical sculptures for showcase outside of the university.

Assessments methods were designed to ensure learning key skills while encouraging creative freedom:

1: Weekly technical assignments that test class learned techniques in getting physical hardware operational in the correct manner

2: Self developed implementation of physical computing in a day-to-day aspect of the students life. Such as a robot to send a text

3: Large scale design implementation in cooperation with fabrication class. Student groups design, prototype and deliver a room full of interactive installations


Throughout various times in my professional life I have found myself in academic settings.
The classes listed here are from a spell in Austin, at the School of Creative Design and Technology - Known as a 'professor at practice' - My modules focused on practical outcome and taught skills rather than conventional lecturing. Whether this be in a specific software or theory of design principle all modules were assessed completely on student work and development.